Lipo Lab Fat Injections?
Our Plymouth Lipo Lab fat injections are designed to address weight loss without our clients having to endure invasive procedures or faddy diets.
Benefits include:
. Reduction of the storage of fat layers
. Wrinkle improvement and elasticity regeneration
. Skin cell activation
Lipo Lab works by dissolving the subcutaneous fat by effectively melting it. Each treatment is carried out at 10 day intervals. The high quality product works by boosting the metabolism, dissolving the fat and increasing energy levels. It is an affordable and effective way to manage weight and provides an effective alternative to weight loss surgery or dieting.
A Less Invasive Treatment
Lipo Lab uses natural methods to boost metabolism and melt the fat tissues simultaneously improving the skin’s elasticity and removing cellulite. It is a far less painful and invasive procedure than liposuction and a lot more cost effective with no down time. It doesn’t just reduce the size of the fat cells, it completely dissolves them meaning you don’t have that yo-yo effect of other diets or fat reducing treatments.
No Side Effects
Because there are no surgical or invasive techniques and the treatment involves injections at ten day intervals, the procedure is quick and painless. There is no local anaesthesia required or lengthy appointment times. You come in for your treatment, have the injection and you are ready to carry on your daily activities. We will advise you on what you can and can’t do post treatment, as with all of our procedures, to ensure that you understand exactly what is involved in the Lipo Lab treatment.
If you would like to know more about our Plymouth Lipo Lab fat injections, including how much it costs and what the treatment involves, we would be happy to discuss this with you. Get in touch and talk to Nicky about the best course of treatment for you and your desired goals.