There are many reasons our clients visit us or facial fillers. Sometimes it’s for the treatment of scars and imperfections while at other time it’s to reverse, or slow down the effects of ageing. Whatever the reason, there are some face fillers that are more popular than others. We take a look at some of our more regularly requested treatments aside from our in demand lip fillers.
Liquid Rhinoplasty
Used to even out the lumps and humps on the dorsal part of the nose, liquid rhinoplasty is a non-invasive face filler technique which adopts the use of fillers to even out the nose giving it a much straighter appearance and removing any ridges or bumps.
Facial Contouring
The next two types of fillers fall under the heading of facial contouring, a popular structuring treatment that allows you to contour the features giving you a more angular jaw and chin and achieving the desired look.
Chin & Jaw Fillers
Chin and jaw fillers are used to reshape the chin and add definition. Perhaps one famous example of this is Madonna, who according to facial reconstruction experts, uses a combination of fillers and filters to look the way she does in her social media posts these days. Her chin and jaw, if you look at former photos of the pop star, show a very different shape to the one she is sporting today. It’s highly likely that she has had chin and jaw fillers to accentuate the strong jawline she is sporting now.

Marionette Lines
Marionette lines, also known as mouth to nose lines, run from the nose to the outer corner of the mouth and increase with age. Sometimes they can be quite deep and add to the appearance of ageing. It is one of the more popular treatments that we offer, producing excellent results that are both immediate and highly effective.
The term jowls refers to the loose skin below the jawline. In addition to the natural ageing process, they can also be accelerated by too much sunbathing or smoking. A Nefertiti neck lift is great for reducing jowls, tightening the skin and making it look less saggy.

All of our facial fillers can be used in isolation or combined to produce the desired results. At Perfect Aesthetics, we are experienced and qualified to deliver these treatments in our Plymouth studio. Fillers should always be used with caution to produce a more natural look and we will always advise on the correct amount to use. Clients must fill out a full medical questionnaire prior to any treatments and must be 18 or over.
If you would like to enquire or book an appointment for any of our facial fillers, please get in touch.
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