I’m 47 years old and began my journey with anti-wrinkle treatments a little over 4/5 years ago. I’d had it previously to try and combat migraines but it didn’t really have the effect that I wanted it to when it came to treating the migraines. What I did notice though was that it got rid of my resting B**ch face! An angry look I have had for most of my adult life. Anyway, I didn’t think too much of it – I was still in my 30s and figured I could get by a little longer without treatment. It was when I went on holiday with my daughters for the summer back in 2018 that I decided to give it another go. It was this photo that made me book a botox treatment appointment the minute I got home! At 42 years old I felt that I shouldn’t have lines crossing over my forehead like that and I wanted desperately to get rid of the creases.

An so I began my journey – ironic because I hate needles. I always have the numbing cream first and take a few deep breaths. Of course, the thought of the needle is always worse than it actually is. Then I waited 6 months (instead of 3) to see how long I could go before I had to have it done again. I really should have had it at 3 months as since I’ve been going regularly I’ve noticed a real difference in how well it takes. I’m a runner and so I wait for a window where I’m not training for 48 hours then I have either 2 or 3 areas done. Usually the forehead furrow and lines and then maybe around the eyes. I’ve also had the lines around my mouth done too.
I don’t go over the top. Just enough to take the edge of the lines. I don’t want to be completely expressionless – just less cross looking. I absolutely love the results. I feel confident, I take selfies without filters and I always get an intrigued compliment asking why I always look so fresh faced. I also find that the more I have it done, the less I need sometimes.
Now I look like this 5 years on. Ironically there is a filter on the before photo and not on this one.

Would I recommend it? Hell yeah. In moderation, it makes a hell of a difference – and I spend less on anti-wrinkle treatments a year than I do on my hair!
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