lips filler after care

While lip fillers are a non-invasive procedure with little fuss and down time, it is important to ensure that you look after your fillers properly. We offer our lip filler after care advice on how you should look after your lips post treatment to ensure best results and avoid any damage to the lips. 

Watch what you eat

Before having your lip fillers, there is a chance that you had the area numbed with numbing cream to minimise any feeling of pain from the injections. If this is the case, there is a chance that your lips could still be numb for a while after. Avoid drinks that are too hot and ensure that you don’t eat anything too hot or spicy. You should also be careful not to bite your lips after receiving lip fillers if they do feel numb. 

Avoid lip contact 

No kissing! Heavy contact with your lips after lip fillers could upset the lip filler placement. Avoid heavy physical contact for 2-3 days to give the filler a chance to settle. Don’t prod or poke them and be mindful that they should be treated with caution. If you usually apply lipstick, it’s best to avoid it for a couple of days. The pressure could disturb the lip filler placement and irritate the lips. 

Reduce the swelling 

Your body’s reaction to any sort of pain or pressure is to swell and bruise. These side effects aren’t uncommon after having lip fillers therefore it is important to try and reduce any swelling by using ice packs, drinking plenty of water and elevating the head. Try sleeping on your back too with your head raised. 

Avoid exercise 

If you are a keen runner, a fan of the gym or just a fan or exercise in general, do not be tempted to try and carry on with your usual exercise routine. Elevating your heart rate will lead to elevated blood pressure which will in turn increase the swelling and bruising. Leave it a few days before you exercise. 

No alcohol or smoking 

It is recommended to avoid alcohol and smoking for 48 hours after having lip fillers administered. Alcohol can thin the blood which could increase the swelling and cause more intense bruising. Smoking can delay healing and can cause distortion of the lip filler, upsetting the filler placement. 

Avoid the sun 

No sunbeds and no sunbathing. Sun can irritate the lips leading to swelling, bruising and potentially permanent discolouration. Try and stay out of direct sunlight for a couple of days to give the fillers time to settle. 

In total, while the immediate symptoms will subside fairly quickly, it can take up to four weeks for the fillers to find their place and settle completely, in the meantime, you should follow our lip filler after care advice. To ensure you get the best results and the lips you want, follow all of our tips and advice. If you have any questions about our lip filler procedures, please be sure to get in touch.



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