russian lips

You may have seen us posting examples of Russian Lips on our social media pages and wondered exactly what they are and how they differ to lip fillers in general. Why and how are they different and what are the differences? We thought we’d explain what Russian lip fillers are and how the shape and look is achieved. 

Why Are They Called Russian Lips?

The name is coined from the look of the lips you often see on Russian stacking dolls. The dolls that are also known as Babushka dolls. As well as being called Russian Lips, you may also hear them referred to as ‘doll lips’. They focus more on lip height than they do on volume. 

By accentuating the Cupid’s bow, the lips become more heart shaped as the focus is more on the centre of the lips. This technique raises the lip higher on the top lip which gives the illusion of a shortened philtrum. The bottom lip lowers which lends itself to an overall ‘v’ shaped curve. 

The Technique

The difference between standard and Russian lip fillers is that Instead of injecting the dermal filler in one area to add lip volume, Russian lips are achieved by injecting tiny amounts of filler into lots of areas. The injections start at the base of the lips and are continued out to the edge of the lip in a vertical strategy rather than horizontally with more focus placed towards the centre of the lips to achieve the beautiful shape. 

The Process

Because the process is more detailed than standard lip fillers, Russian lips can take longer. There are more injections and the attention to the overall detail is greater therefore requiring a longer treatment time. Because of the amount of injections involved being more than with standard lip fillers, you may notice slightly more swelling afterwards. Any signs of swelling should be disappear after 2-3 days. While results are noticeable immediately, you should see the full impact of the treatment over the proceeding days/weeks.

The Results 

Standard lip fillers are used to achieve a more horizontal increase in the overall size and prominence of the lips. This horizontal injection technique tends to increase the overall size of the lips in what is sometimes called the sausage effect. The Russian lip technique instead uses a vertical approach to improve the contour of the lips and in particular the Cupid’s bow. It’s a more precise technique that leads to that more doll like look.

If you would like to enquire about our Russian lip filler service, please drop us a message or you can call 07979 844702



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